Get Paid to Write
We’re always looking for talented individuals to contribute articles to poweredindia. If you have the skill to write an excellent tutorial to produce a unique and impressive effect/design/graphic, then we’d totally like to hear from you. If you’re skilled with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect, Autodesk Maya or any other industry standard CG software we’ll pay you up to $100 p/tutorial that is accepted.
You must fulfill the following criteria:
- Your tutorial must be your original work and not published elsewhere.
- You must send in your ALREADY WRITTEN tutorial. Please note not every tutorial will be accepted.
- We will not accept submissions that are posted elsewhere, or resemble content posted elsewhere.
- You may not republish the content posted on on any other website.
- Your tutorial may be edited prior to publishing.
- Only use materials you own, or have permission to use in your submission.
- You must have a PayPal account, this fee will be paid within the first week of the new month following publication of your tutorial.
If the tutorial is accepted:
- Up to $100 for every Accepted Tutorial
- Short Bio on every published tutorial for self promotion
- You grant a license to our readers to use the knowledge shown in the tutorial in their own projects without reference to yourself or poweredindia. They may not reproduce the tutorial itself, but they can use the techniques you teach.
- Payment of will be made within the first two weeks of the new month following publication. Please note that if we gain evidence in this time that the tutorial or source images used in the tutorial have been plagiarized we will take the tutorial off the site and payment will not be made.
How to Format Your Tutorial for Submission
Your tutorial must come with:
- A Sample PSD file for people to download
- An HTML file with the tutorial written out. The HTML file should be written in the same way that tutorials on the site are, that is in a set of “Steps” with an image before each one. Additionally you should have a paragraph at the beginning giving an introduction.
- A 200×200px preview image of the finished effect
- Images in the tutorial should be no more than 600px wide. The only exception is for when the tutorial has a final product that needs to be large (e.g. a wallpaper)
Get Feedback BEFORE Writing the Full Tutorial
You may contact us with post concepts if you’d like our thoughts before writing a tutorial.
Photography and Source Images
If your tutorials make use of photos for their effects. There are a few things you need to know:
- DO NOT use images from Google Image search or simply taken from a website.
- DO NOT use images from Flickr UNLESS they have a Creative Commons License for Commercial Use. In this case you must provide an attribution link back to the Flickr page you found the image on.
- DO use images you photographed yourself.
- DO use images from free stock sites like and, BUT make sure you check the agreement for use in files for distribution.
Please include links to the source of any images you have used in your tutorial. If you do not include your image sources your tutorial will not be accepted, because we need to verify that the file is OK.
Thank you for taking the time to read our criteria, to help protect the site yourself and photographers make sure the photos are OK.